Legal and Financial Matters to Consider When Buying a Home

Buying a house is one of the most important investments you will make in your life. This process is both exciting and includes many details that you should be careful about. When buying a house, not only aesthetics and ease of use, but also legal and financial issues are of great importance. Here are the legal and financial issues to consider when buying a house:

The first thing to consider when buying a house is the title deed status of the real estate.

Reviewing the Title Deed Record
The title deed record of the house you are planning to buy should definitely be reviewed. It should be checked whether there are any mortgages, liens or annotations on the title deed. Such restrictions may indicate that there are debts or legal obligations on the house.

Condominium or Floor Altitude
Pay attention to whether the title deed of the house you are planning to buy is a floor ownership or a floor easement. While a floor ownership indicates that the structure is complete and that usage permits have been obtained, a floor easement indicates a structure that has not yet been completed.

Contracts and other legal documents prepared during the sales process are of great importance.

Sales Promise Agreement
The sales promise agreement signed between the buyer and seller before the title deed is transferred secures the rights and obligations of the parties. This agreement must be prepared in the presence of a notary.

Projects Under Construction
If you are purchasing a house from a construction project, details such as the contracts made with the contractor company and the delivery date should be carefully examined. The penal terms to be applied in case of delay in delivery should be clearly stated in the agreement.

One of the most important issues in purchasing a house is financial planning.

Budget and Financing
You should determine your budget correctly before purchasing a house and avoid unnecessary expenses. In addition, you should also consider additional expenses such as the title deed fee, taxes and other expenses in addition to the purchase price of the house.

Housing Loan
If you are planning to use a housing loan, you should compare the interest rates and payment terms offered by banks. Before applying for a loan, it is important to carefully evaluate your income status, credit score and repayment plan.

Loan Costs
When using a loan, you should be informed about additional costs such as file fees and appraisal fees requested by banks. You should not ignore the impact of these costs on the total cost.

Taxes and fees to be paid during the housing purchase process are also important issues to consider.

Title Deed Fee
During the title deed transactions, there is a title deed fee to be paid by the buyer and seller. This fee is 4% of the sales price of the real estate and can be paid equally by the buyer and seller.

Real Estate Tax
You should also consider the property tax to be paid annually after the purchase of the house in your planning. Reduced tax rates may be applied for the first year, but the full rate is paid for the following years.

Other Taxes
Other taxes such as VAT and stamp duty may also be applied in the purchase of a house. Therefore, it is important to be informed about such additional costs before the sale.

When purchasing a home, you should carefully examine every detail to avoid unforeseen expenses.

Maintenance and Repair Expenses
You should determine the maintenance and repair needs of the home to be purchased in advance. Such expenses can be high in older buildings.

Maintenance Fees and Common Expenses
You should learn the maintenance fees and common expenses of the site or apartment where the home is located. These expenses may affect your monthly budget.

Purchasing a home is an important process that requires careful research and planning. By taking conscious steps in legal and financial matters, you can both minimize future risks and secure your investment. Remember, correct information and careful examination are the keys to a successful home purchase.

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